Gymnastics Camp: 5 Reasons Not to Attend/Choose Gymnastics Camp.


There are various reasons to attend and choose a particular gymnastics campThere are also reasons why you might not want to attend gymnastics summer camp that you may not be aware of. This article shows you.

#1 – Fully Support Your Own Gym

It seems clear that many parents are not fully aware of the implications of not fully supporting their own gym summer program. In comparison, for the price paid for every two gymnasts who attend a commercial gymnastics summer camp, your gym can purchase training equipment that your gymnast can use year-round. It is also highly unlikely that gymnasts will find a coach at any summer camp who is more committed to their progress and success than they will find in their own gym. The money spent on summer camp may be better spent on private lessons from your own coach. We strongly recommend that no parent or gymnast pays to attend any summer camp without fully supporting (and paying for) their own gym’s summer program.

#2 – Why Build Your Competitor’s Program?

Sometimes we have to wonder about the wisdom of choosing to attend (and financially support) the team-run summer camps you may face in the upcoming competitive season. Of course there are reasons to attend summer camp, but you may find it wise to attend a camp where you won’t be paying coach salaries, buying equipment, or buying tights for the team you’re playing against in a game.

#3 – Extreme Sports Culture – No!

We have to tell you that after years of sending our gymnasts (and our own daughter) to commercial gymnastics camps, we stopped doing so when the camps started running extreme sports camps simultaneously. There is no way we would want our daughters and gymnasts to be exposed even in a very limited way to cultures, attitudes and (morals) customs that are very “different” from the boys and men involved in the sport, especially when we there is not any. You can make your own decisions.

#4 – Shop for the Price

We see an interesting trend that the camps with the most qualified directors and coaches (the gyms currently producing Elite gymnasts) are cheaper than the large commercial gymnastics camps. There are obviously other differences in camps, but if quality training is your goal, then you might look at camps run by Elite level trainers.

#5 – How Many Gymnasts?

This question is a bit like the question of what size college to attend – a small gymnastics camp will allow your gymnast to be known personally and to work with all the coaching staff. You will want to carefully consider how well your gymnast will fit in and adapt to a large camp with hundreds of gymnasts and whether they will be noticed in the crowd.

26 Books and Counting

John Howard is the author of 26 books and e-Books on gymnastics, gym design, gymnastic humor, and cheerleading. More books are on the way. She has 25 years of experience and has coached State, Regional and National champion gymnasts and international competitors.

Enter the Gymnastics Zone is a website for gymnasts, trainers and parents with FREE articles and information, fun pages and activities available for viewing. Go there to learn more about  Choosing Gymnastics Summer Camps.

Also read Tips for Finding Quality Gymnastics Bar Online!